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Guitar Tabs Available For Purchase
Bass Tabs Available For Purchase
Full Album Tabs (75% OFF)
Information About Tabs
Hi! SugarpillCovers here. This page is created for buying tabs from me. I can tab out any cover that I have made on my YouTube channel, or any reasonable requests that you may have for me. These tabs will usually take me around 1-2 days to write out, depending on my work schedule. If you have any problems, then feel free to contact me at my email - blueguitars182@gmail.com. My emails often end up in spam folders, so please check your spam folder if you haven't received your tab within 2 days.Tabs will be sent to the email address that you use for your PayPal account, unless you want it to be emailed to an alternative address, in which case, you'll need to let me know via email or by stating so in your order information. Payments can be made using PayPal only.
I will take any reasonable song requests and provide you with a high-quality, accurate tab. So if you don't see a tab that you'd like listed here on my post, all you have to do is request it. Please check with me first, if you're unsure whether or not I will be able to tab out your chosen song.******************************************************************************************************************
Instructions On Purchasing A Tab (Please read the text below carefully before ordering)
Simply pick one of the two options from the PayPal button below, depending on what tab you want. If it's a song I have already listed down below, please choose the "Pre-Written" option. If it's a new request (as in it's not listed on my website) then please choose the "New Request" option. Once you've completed the payment, I'll get notified of your order via PayPal. I'll then work out and send you your chosen song. If you're wanting both rhythm and lead parts for a guitar tab, you will need to order these separately, as they count as two individual tabs. If you're unsure of anything, please contact me before ordering. Thanks!